This is a video I made some time ago and finally decided to post. Try to ignore my hands showing in some shots. That sort of thing would never fly these days.
Narnia El Dorado Mashup
Here’s one from my sister, Lita, a new videographer on this site. Hopefully we’ll see some more of her work around here soon.
Dreaming with a Broken Heart
Halloween 07
H’ween 07 key
Funshine = a rock lobster
Sleepy Time = Harry Potter
Rasberry Bear = Sleepy Time
Nibbles = Oscar the grouch in trashcan
Uncle Walter = Bruno the trashman
Pink Bear or Lenore = an anime school girl
Penguin = Homestar Runner
Puppy Bear = The Hound of the Baskervilles
Gemini Bear = The Houndstooth of the Baskervilles
Pudgy Piggy = not-a-baby